
we will all sit together at the end
of this, and we will feel okay, because
there will be nothing to worry about.
we will be okay. the pain will be gone.
there is nothing that is going to be left
unsaid, we will all be able to speak out
our pains, and they will be heard by those
who hurt us, and they will be understood,
and those who hurt us will speak of the pain
that they received from those that hurt them,
and those who hurt those who hurt us will hear,
and they will understand, and the cycle
will continue endlessly backward and forward
until all the pain is equal to all the forgiveness,
and we will all smile
and become gods.
wouldn’t that be nice?
wouldn’t that be nice, to become gods
inside these beautiful souls? these vessels?
isn’t that what we want? isn’t it okay
that we want this? to be little gods
in our little realities, content enough,
even happy sometimes, isn’t that okay?
to be little gods? isn’t that okay? i want
to be a little god, is that okay? is it okay?
(would he like it, napoleon, if i told him, napoleon?)
when we’re all sitting together
at the end of this,
i hope the most beautiful thing
is still the way she smiles
when she looks at me.

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